Social Service: Education News
Bidding set for 10,000 school buildings under...
24 August, 2011 at 04:10
This is re-posted article. Smaller projects first before big-ticket ventures The government plans to start bidding out in the next few weeks
A public-private sector partnership in education
23 August, 2011 at 05:20
This is a re-posted opinion piece. PUBLIC-PRIVATE sector partnerships (PPP) have been touted as one way of effectively financing and building
Philippine e-books on the way
19 August, 2011 at 07:11
This is an article repost. We have seen tiny grade school pupils groaning under the weight of their backpacks, with their spinal columns in danger
Remarks by Ambassador Thomas at Asia Society...
15 August, 2011 at 10:11
REMARKS BY AMBASSADOR HARRY K. THOMAS, JR. AT THE ASIA SOCIETY, WASHINGTON, DC, AUGUST 2011 Thank you for inviting me to speak with you today. It
Education, health PPP projects get P8B
10 August, 2011 at 09:43
This is an article repost. THE GOVERNMENT has allocated P8 billion from the P1.816-trillion national budget proposed for next year to support
‘Small but radical’ changes needed
10 August, 2011 at 03:23
This is an article repost. STRUCTURAL CHANGES are necessary if the Philippines is to fully shake off its reputation as Asia’s laggard and grow
Being proud of our own Filipino-English diction
27 July, 2011 at 09:01
This is an article repost. (Delivered during Toastmaster International’s District 75 Annual Conference in Manila) Every single day for the
MAP rolls out innovative approaches to curtail...
21 July, 2011 at 10:17
This is an article repost. FACT: The number of classrooms cannot keep up with an ever-increasing demand for it. Even if the Department of
More reason to study and invest in...
8 July, 2011 at 19:49
UP & Ateneo are ranked in the Top 50 English-teaching universities in the world. To view the whole list, click here.
Foreigners find PH education cheap
7 June, 2011 at 18:31
Irony of ironies. While millions of Filipinos are too poor to even finish basic education, tens of thousands of foreigners are flocking to the