About 12 million Filipinos work in the agricultural sector. If the country can significantly increase its exports and imports of agricultural goods, agricultural provinces would generate much greater revenue, provide more employment opportunities, and lessen poverty in rural areas. This is especially important for Mindanao, the country's breadbasket that has great underdeveloped potential for agricultural exports.

The Philippine agricultural sector comprised 19% of GDP in 2009 and employed 34% of the labor force. Yet agricultural products made up only 8.3% of total Philippine commodity exports and Philippine agricultural exports were the smallest of the ASEAN-5. [ Read This Chapter ]Recommendations
Philippine agriculture needs to explore fully the immense new market opportunities that AFTA and other new FTAs present for both traditional and new agricultural exports. The farming sector should be made more aware of these enhanced export opportunities.... [ Read This Chapter ]
News Updates
Duterte loves agriculture
20 May, 2016 at 10:32
Mayor Rodrigo Duterte loves agriculture. He demonstrated this even before the elections.
Philippines needs block farms, less farmers–experts
16 May, 2016 at 16:30
Increasing food production to feed more than 100 million Filipinos has become more challenging due to changing weather patterns, as well as the continuous conversion of farm lands.
Duterte’s challenges and opportunities
16 May, 2016 at 14:00
Mayor Duterte will assume the presidency of the nation that has recorded strong economic growth, but whose benefits have not trickled down to the majority of the population as desired.
Transition team bares Duterte’s 8-point economic agenda
13 May, 2016 at 09:11
Sonny Dominguez, who is part of the transition team, says Duterte wants to accelerate infrastructure spending because this will lead to job generation and will be ‘injecting economic activity in our country’
[VIDEO] Business Community expects continuity
11 May, 2016 at 16:13
Bloomberg TV Philippines – First Up | May 10, 2016
Boosting our food security
27 April, 2016 at 14:54
According to the Global Food Security Index (GFSI), was the world’s second most food secure country in 2015, next to the United States.
[VIDEO] Effects of Slowing Global Economic Growth...
26 April, 2016 at 12:30
CNN Philippines interview AmCham Philippines Senior Adviser Mr. John D. Forbes on the effects of slowing global economic growth on the Philippines.
Seven imperatives for the next president
14 March, 2016 at 16:43
EVERY THINKING voter needs to hear from our presidential candidates about their platform of government, or what they, in aspiring to lead the country, consider the foremost priorities in meeting our country’s challenges, and how they propose to address them.
Go for the bold!
14 March, 2016 at 10:48
For the fourth time in the last five years, I was honored by an invitation from the Joint Foreign Chambers of the Philippines (JFC) to speak at its prestigious Arangkada Philippines Forum. This year’s theme was “A Bolder and More Inclusive Decade.”
[Video] Foreign Investors laud Aguino administration for...
27 February, 2016 at 10:00
Dateline Philippines @ ANC | February 26, 2016
‘Business as usual’ despite elections
26 February, 2016 at 16:18
‘Business as usual’ despite elections by: Ben O. de Vera | February 24, 2015 Despite domestic and external challenges, the
Joint chambers say agri largely untapped, bold...
26 February, 2016 at 14:42
THE PHILIPPINES needs a sense of urgency to unleash, modernize and diversify the agriculture business and food production if it wants to achieve a broad-based and inclusive growth, foreign business chambers said in the first of seven policy notes that it will be releasing next week.
Food on the table
18 February, 2016 at 17:30
There are many urgent reasons why agriculture has to be a major priority of the next administration. Most of our people are in it and are poor. We cannot hope to deal with our poverty problem without addressing agricultural concerns.
The landed poor
18 February, 2016 at 11:20
A young man I know left his province in Bicol when he was just out of his teens to work in Manila.
Financing our farmers
16 February, 2016 at 13:40
AGRICULTURE, NO doubt, has been our worst performing economic sector through the years.
Mindanao calling
10 February, 2016 at 16:47
Mindanao, no stranger to crisis and instability, is enduring yet another series of unfortunate events these days.