The Philippines is significantly underinvesting in physical infrastructure, with its public sector infrastructure budget consistently below 3% of GDP. Spending on social infrastructure for education and health is also inadequate at slightly over 4% of GDP. Polls of businessmen repeatedly show poor infrastructure as one of the top challenges facing the Philippine economy, second only to corruption. Like corruption, poor infrastructure severely weakens economic competitiveness.
[ Read This Chapter ]
With its archipelagic character, the Philippines depends on air and sea transport much more than countries with large continuous landmasses. Since a high percentage of domestic and international commerce and travel is by air and sea, the efficiency of aviation and maritime transportation.... [ Read This Chapter ]Power
Electric power and water are essential needs for modern man, to survive, and to thrive. In the globe’s fastest-growing region – Asia – they are especially critical to economic growth and competitiveness. [ Read This Chapter ]
News Updates
NAIA Consortium beats deadline, revised offer still...
2 May, 2019 at 10:10
The super consortium of seven conglomerates seeking to rehabilitate the Ninoy Aquino International Airport (NAIA) has managed to beat the deadline set by the Department of Transportation, but its offer continues to hang in the balance as it now undergoes scrutiny from the government.
P1.97-T ODA to fund PH projects
26 April, 2019 at 12:17
Loans and grants from the country’s development partners will finance the bulk of the flagship infrastructure projects to be rolled out by the Duterte administration under its ambitious “Build, Build, Build,” according to the state planning agency National Economic and Development Authority (Neda).
[OPINION] It’s not a bomb
26 April, 2019 at 09:32
We should go nuclear. Not with weapons to annihilate China — a fruitless task — but to provide us with clean, reliable, safe electricity.
JFC Meeting with DOTr Secretary Arthur Tugade
26 April, 2019 at 08:29
The Joint Foreign Chambers (JFC) met with Department of Transportation Secretary Tugade and most of his undersecretaries at the DOTr office at Clark, Pampanga on April 8, 2019.
Is anyone minding the store?
26 April, 2019 at 01:50
The past few weeks have not been good for the country. In Metro Manila, people are not happy about the failure of basic utilities to provide the services expected of them.
[PRESS RELEASE] PBG-JFC Statement on Proposed Reforms...
22 April, 2019 at 13:45
We, the following listed Philippine business groups and foreign chambers, strongly commiserate with and share the frustrations of millions of…
Customs modernization to get $150-M WB loan
17 April, 2019 at 13:10
The Bureau of Customs (BOC) has adopted a World Bank-proposed system aimed at modernizing processes at the country’s second biggest tax-collection agency through funding from the Washington-based lender.
[EDITORIAL] Critical power situation
17 April, 2019 at 09:17
Why do we usually expect brownouts whenever the Department of Energy (DOE) assures us that there is enough electricity supply?
Regulatory body for water pushed
15 April, 2019 at 16:48
Regulatory body for water pushed Gov’t agencies cite need for single point of accountability March 23, 2019 | 05:56 AM Officials of the
Number of priority projects raised
15 April, 2019 at 16:44
The Duterte administration has increased to 9,816 the number of priority programs and projects worth P10.9 trillion it intends to roll out within its six-year term to sustain strong economic growth and ultimately slash the poverty rate by 2022.
Finance chief hits critics of China loans
15 April, 2019 at 16:29
“You of no faith to your country.” This was the rebuke of the head of the Duterte administration’s economic team to critics spreading fear that the government would be unable to pay the money it borrowed from China for big-ticket infrastructure projects under its ambitious “Build, Build, Build”…
[OPINION] What we need: Long-term water security
15 April, 2019 at 16:24
During his first State of the Nation Address, President Benigno Aquino III singled out the Metropolitan Waterworks and Sewerage System (MWSS) for all the wrong reasons. He painted the water agency as the mother of all corruption.
[OPINION] MORE power supply needed: Attention ERC
15 April, 2019 at 14:36
After the water shortage in many areas in Metro Manila last March, next is power shortage and brownouts in many areas of Luzon including Metro Manila this month.
Ex-DPWH head backs creation of water department
15 April, 2019 at 10:35
Past and present government officials are supporting the creation a Department of Water to serve as the one entity to oversee the operations of various agencies, a former Cabinet official said.
Duterte warns Naia takeover by PAF
8 April, 2019 at 11:11
President Duterte has warned that he would order the military to take over the Ninoy Aquino International Airport (Naia) if congestion and inefficiency woes plaguing the country’s premier airport remain unresolved.
Clark airport posts record 1M passengers in...
5 April, 2019 at 16:44
Air passengers that travelled via Clark International Airport (CRK) have reached 1 million in January to March this year, the airport’s highest quarterly passenger traffic, according to Clark International Airport Corp. (CIAC).