The Philippines is significantly underinvesting in physical infrastructure, with its public sector infrastructure budget consistently below 3% of GDP. Spending on social infrastructure for education and health is also inadequate at slightly over 4% of GDP. Polls of businessmen repeatedly show poor infrastructure as one of the top challenges facing the Philippine economy, second only to corruption. Like corruption, poor infrastructure severely weakens economic competitiveness.
[ Read This Chapter ]
With its archipelagic character, the Philippines depends on air and sea transport much more than countries with large continuous landmasses. Since a high percentage of domestic and international commerce and travel is by air and sea, the efficiency of aviation and maritime transportation.... [ Read This Chapter ]Power
Electric power and water are essential needs for modern man, to survive, and to thrive. In the globe’s fastest-growing region – Asia – they are especially critical to economic growth and competitiveness. [ Read This Chapter ]
News Updates
ECCP spearheads renewed energy-conservation drive
6 July, 2011 at 19:44
THE European Chamber of Commerce of the Philippines (ECCP) is leading the private sector in a renewed campaign to conserve energy asserting that a
Reviews set as Roxas takes over at...
4 July, 2011 at 14:25
THE ROLLOUT of public-private partnership (PPP) deals could be held up as the new Transportation secretary has called for a review of his
Gov’t to maximize PPP implementation
1 July, 2011 at 19:32
The government will maximize public-private partnership (PPP) in a bid to boost the productivity and efficiency of the industry and services
Delays hit priority projects
1 July, 2011 at 19:30
ACTION on a number of priority state infrastructure projects lined up for this year will have to wait till next semester, partly upsetting the
Invest commitments surge 338% to P191 billion...
1 July, 2011 at 19:27
Investment commitments went up by 338 percent to P191.182 billion in the first five months of the year from a year ago level of P43.613 billion as
Government revising joint-venture rules for transparency
19 June, 2011 at 14:28
THE GOVERNMENT is drafting revised rules for joint ventures to lessen leeway for unsolicited proposals in line with promises to clamp down on
DBM: Thicker, longer, quality national roads due...
6 June, 2011 at 18:22
A May 16, 2011 press release by the Department of Budget and Management Secretary Abad: Good governance could result in P6-7b more public works
Government on track with PPP program –...
30 May, 2011 at 18:06
The government is on track with its much-touted Public-Private Partnership (PPP) program for infrastructure, Finance Secretary Cesar Purisima said
A PPP success story
10 January, 2011 at 14:31
Introspective — By Romeo L. Bernardo Public Private Partnership (PPP) has been launched recently as a key ingredient in the