Figures, Maps, and Tables
Figure 1: Philippine GDP and GDI real growth rates, 1980-2016
Figure 2: Average real GDP growth rates, ASEAN-6, 1961-2014
Figure 3.1: Real GDP Growth Rates among the ASEAN-6, 1990-2014
Figure 3.2: Real GDP Growth rates among the ASEAN-6, 1990-2020f
Figure 4: Poverty incidence, average, < $US1.25 benchmark, 1990-2011
Figure 5: Poverty incidence, 1st semesters of 2006, 2009, 2012 and 2013
Figure 6: Share in ASEAN-6 + 4 GDP, 1990-2015f
Figure 7: GDP per capita, PPP current international US$, ASEAN-6, 1990-2020e
Figure 8: Average real GDP per capita growth, ASEAN-6, 1980-2014
Figure 9: Average annual population growth, ASEAN-6, 1970-2014
Figure 10: Share in world GDP, current US$, from 1990-2014
Figure 11: Real GDP growth rate forecast, annual percent change, ASEAN-6, 2010-2011
Figure 12: Real quarterly GDP year-on-year growth rates among the ASEAN-6 from 2013 to 2015
Figure 13: Labor market key indicators from 1991 to 2015
Figure 14: Sectoral share in total employment from 1990 to 2015
Figure 15: Employment class by worker, 2015
Figure 16: Unemployed by educational attainment, 2015
Figure 17: OFW remittance from 1990 to 2015
Figure 18: Construction in the Philippines as percent of GDP from 1981 to 2015
Figure 18.2: Component of gross fixed capital formation in the Philippines as percent of GDP from 1980 to 2015
Figure 19: Gross fixed capital formation as percent of GDP from 1990 to 2014
Figure 20: Gross fixed investments as percent of GDP among the ASEAN-6 from 1990 to 2014
Figure 21: Gross investments as percent of GDP among the ASEAN-6 from 1990 to 2014
Figure 22: Non-residents direct investment in the Philippines, net inflows in US$ millions from 1999 to 2012
Figure 23: Net FDI in US$ billions among the ASEAN-6 from 1990 to 2014
Figure 24: Net FDI % of GDP, ASEAN-6, 1990 to 2014
Figure 25.1: Total Philippine exports in US$ billions from 1990 to 2015
Figure 25.2: Trade activity for goods and services in US$ billions from 1990 to 2015
Figure 26: Exports of goods and services as percent of GDP among the ASEAN-6 from 1990 to 2014
Figure 27: Philippine goods exports distribution from 1996 to 2015
Figure 28: Philippines exports by destination, Jan-Oct 2015
Figure 29: Emerging Asia’s external financing, by source, 2010
Figure 30: Top areas of dissatisfaction, % of respondents, Philippines, 2003-2012
Figure 31: Forbes best countries for business, percentile rankings, 2008-2012
Figure 32: Foreign policy failed states index, percentile rankings, 2006-2012
Figure 33: Index of Economic Freedom, percentile rankings, 2001-2013
Figure 34: Editorial cartoon published on release day Economic Freedom Ranking 2010
Figure 35: IMD world competitiveness, percentile rankings, 2001-2012
Figure 36: IMD world competitiveness sub-rankings, selected ASEAN countries, 2010
Figure 37: International property rights index, percentile rankings, 2007-2012
Figure 38: Corruption perceptions index, percentile rankings, 1998-2012
Figure 39: Editorial cartoon published on release day of Corruption Perceptions Index 2004
Figure 40: Human development index, percentile rankings, 1980-2011
Figure 41: UN E-governance readiness, percentile rankings, 2003-2012
Figure 42: Ease of doing business, percentile rankings, 2006-2013
Figure 43: Ease of business establishment index, foreign companies (0-100)
Figure 44: Ease in paying taxes, percentile rankings, 2008-2013
Figure 45: Voice and accountability, percentile rankings, 1996-2011
Figure 46: Political stability & absence of violence, percentile rankings, 1996-2011
Figure 47: Government effectiveness, percentile rankings, 1996-2011
Figure 48: Rule of law, percentile rankings, 1996-2011
Figure 49: Regulatory quality, percentile rankings, 1996-2011
Figure 50: Control of corruption, percentile rankings, 1996-2011
Figure 51: Global competitiveness, percentile rankings, 2001-2012
Figure 52: Global enabling trade report, percentile rankings, 2008-2012
Figure 53: Travel and tourism competitiveness, percentile rankings, 2007-2011
Figure 54: Environmental performance index, percentile rankings, 2000-2012
Figure 55: Editorial cartoon showing Philippines left out of FDI in Southeast Asia
Figure 56: Cancelled take-off
Figure 57: Estimated FDI, job creation if recommendations implemented, 2010-2020
Figure 58: Agricultural goods exports, ASEAN-6, % of total, 1990-2009
Figure 59: Agricultural goods exports, ASEAN-6, Bn US$, 1990-2009
Figure 60: RP’s agricultural and forest goods exports, distribution, 2012
Figure 61: IT-BPO industry, employment, in thousands, 2004-2012e
Figure 62: IT-BPO sector revenues, Bn US$, 2004-2011
Figure 63: BPO delivery location outside N. America, global market shares, 2008
Figure 64: Current and potential BPO market, Bn US$, 2006-2016
Figure 65: Quality of overall infrastructure rankings, ASEAN-6, 2008-2013
Figure 66: Infrastructure spending, ASEAN-5, % GDP, 1980-2009 (annual average)
Figure 67: NG Infrastructure spending, Philippines, 1990-2013p
Figure 68: Total domestic air transport passenger traffic, 1990-3q2012
Figure 69: Quality of air transport infrastructure rankings, ASEAN-6, 2008-2013
Figure 70: Residential retail electricity tariffs, selected Asian economies, USc/KWh, 2010
Figure 71: Industrial electricity tariffs, selected Asian economies, USc/KWh, 2010
Figure 72: Installed generating capacity, by type of power source, 2011
Figure 73: Power generation mix, by type of power source, 2011
Figure 74: Power generation by grid, ‘000 Gwh, 1991-2011
Figure 75: Power demand and supply outlook, Luzon, in MW
Figure 76: Required reserve margin and peak demand estimates, Luzon, in MW
Figure 77: Power demand and supply outlook, Visayas, in MW
Figure 78: Required reserve margin and peak demand estimates, Visayas, in MW
Figure 79: Power demand and supply outlook, Mindanao, in MW
Figure 80: Required reserve margin and peak demand estimates, Mindanao, in MW
Figure 81: Electricity spot market prices, PhP/KWh, 2006-2012
Figure 82: DPWH budget, Bn PhP, 2005-2013p
Figure 83: Total road length (km) development, 1982-2007
Figure 84: Length of national/state roads, in ‘000 km, 1997-2011
Figure 85: Quality of roads rankings, 2008-2013
Figure 86: Quality of railroad infrastructure rankings, 2008-2013, ASEAN-6
Figure 87: Light rail ridership (LRT-1, MRT-2 & MRT-3), Mn, Philippines, 2000-2012
Figure 88: Container traffic per country, in Mn TEUs, 2004-2010
Figure 89: Truckers, motorists in private vehicles, and drivers of passenger jeepneys on their way to North Harbor
Figure 90: Quality of Port Infrastructure score, 2008-2013, ASEAN-6
Figure 91: Proportion of households with computer, selected countries, 2002, 2011
Figure 92: Fixed telephone lines, in millions, ASEAN-6, 1990-2011
Figure 93: Estimated number of fixed telephone lines, in millions and per 100 inhabitants, 1975-2011
Philippines, 1975-2009
Figure 94: Mobile phone subscriptions, in millions, ASEAN-6, 1998-2011
Figure 95: Mobile phone subscriptions, per 100 inhabitants, ASEAN-6, 1998-2011
Figure 96: Estimated number of mobile phone subscribers, Philippines, in millions, 1998-2011
Figure 97: Fixed telephone lines and mobile phone penetration, Philippines, 1991-2011
Figure 98: Estimated number of Internet users, per 100 inhabitants, ASEAN-6, 1998-2011
Figure 99: Estimated number of Internet users, in millions, ASEAN-6, 1998-2011
Figure 100: Estimated number of Internet users, Philippines, 1998-2011
Figure 101: Proportion of households with Internet, Philippines, 2002, 2011
Figure 102: UN E-governance readiness, percentile rankings, 2003-2012
Figure 103: Exports as % of GDP, ASEAN-6, 1990-2011
Figure 104: Employment in textile, garment, and leather industries, in thousands, 1991-2011
Philippines, 1991-2008
Figure 105: Garments, textile and footwear exports, Philippines, US$ Bn, 1990-2012
Figure 106: Investments in electronics, US$ Bn, 1992-2009
Figure 107: Electronics exports, Bn US$, 1992-2012
Figure 108: Electronics exports growth and share of total exports, 1992-2012
Figure 109: Decline in locally manufactured vehicle share of car sales, 1991-2012
Figure 110: Clash between national government policy and Aparri RTC injunction
Figure 111: Industry sales versus new registration, 2002-2009
Figure 112: Manufacturing GVA, distribution per segment, 2012
Figure 113: Manufacturing GVA, PhP Bn, 1990-2012
Figure 114: Industry sector distribution per segment, 2012
Figure 115: GDP distribution by sector, Philippines, 1990-2012
Figure 116: Employment distribution by sector, 1990-2012
Figure 117: Labor productivity in manufacturing, Philippines, 1980-2011
Figure 118: Labor productivity in manufacturing, GVA per person engaged, constant 2005 $US
US$ 1980-2008
Figure 119: Manufacturing labor productivity index, ASEAN-6, 1980=100, 1980-2011
Figure 120: Gross fixed capital formation, % of GDP, 1990-2010
Figure 121: Fixed capital formation distribution, Philippines, % of GDP, 1980-2012
Figure 122: Philippine manufacturing goods exports, value US$ Bn, 1990-2012
Figure 123: ASEAN-6 total manufacturing exports, US$ Bn, 1990-2011
Figure 124: Philippine share in ASEAN-6 total manufactures exports, 1990-2011
Figure 125: Mining GVA, Bn PhP, 1990-2012
Figure 126: Philippines mineral products exports, Bn US, 1990-2012
Figure 127: Mining products exports distribution, 2012
Figure 128: ASEAN-6 total mineral products exports, Bn US$, 1995-2011
Figure 129: Share in ASEAN-6 total mineral products exports, 1995-2011
Figure 130: Foreign tourist arrivals in RP, by origin, Mn, 1990-2012
Figure 131: Domestic air travel, Philippines, millions, growth, 1990-2011
Figure 132: Distribution per country of international visitor arrivals in the
ASEAN region, 2011
Figure 133: ASEAN-6 government travel and tourism expenditure, US$ Bn, 1990-2011
Figure 134: Foreign air visitor arrivals, by purpose of visit, in ‘000, 1990-2011p
Figure 135: Growth of foreign air visitor arrivals, by purpose of visit, 1991-2011p
Figure 136: Estimated economic and employment contribution of travel and tourism
industry, 1990-2011
Figure 137: Incoming flights per week by foreign air carriers to ASEAN, 2003, 2009
Figure 138: Key problems need to be addressed to generate jobs
Figure 139: Ease of doing business rankings, ASEAN-6, 2006-2013
Figure 140: Daily minimum wage range, selected Asian countries, 2012, US$
Figure 141: Productivity, real minimum wage, and CPI, 1990-2011
Figure 142: Paid holidays, Philippines, 1987-2010
Figure 143: National and special non-working paid holidays per year, selected
Asian countries, 2010
Figure 144: Daily minimum wage and paid non-working holidays, selected
Asian countries, 2010
Figure 145: Office rents and occupancy costs, US$ p.a. per sq ft
Figure 146: Asian industrial electricity tariffs, USc/kwh, 2012
Figure 147: ICT Price basket, % of per capita GNI, 2011
Figure 148: Fixed telephone monthly cost, 2011
Figure 149: Mobile phone usage cost, 2011
Figure 150: Fixed broadband monthly cost, 2011
Figure 151: Average travel speed, km/hr, selected Asian Cities, 2001
Figure 152: Efficiency of bureaucracy scores, PERC 2012 report
Figure 153: Burden of government regulation, rank, 2009-2013
Figure 154: Burden of customs procedures rank, 2009-2013
Figure 155: Ease of establishing business index, foreign companies, ASEAN-6, (0-100), 2012
Figure 156: Executive cost of living survey, Asia, 2012
Figure 157: Proportion of urban population, selected Asian countries, 1950-2050F
Figure 158: Proportion of population with access to safe drinking water sources
Figure 159: Proportion of population with access to sanitary toilet
Figure 160: Philippine forest cover, 1930-2010, mil has, % total land area
Figure 161: Deforestation rates, selected countries, 1990-2010
Figure 162: Total frequency of natural disasters, Philippines, per decade, 1970-2012
Figure 163: Number of people affected by natural disasters, Philippines, in Mn, per decade, 1970-2012
Figure 164: Estimated damage of natural disasters, Philippines, in US$ Bn, per decade, 1970-2012
Figure 165: Philippines’ CO2 emission from energy consumption, 1980-2010
Figure 166: Per capita emission from energy consumption, 2010, in MT, selected countries
Figure 167: Business impact of rules on FDI, ASEAN-6 rank, 2009-2013
Figure 168: Net satisfaction ratings of Philippine presidents, 1986-2012
Figure 169: Political Stability and absence of violence, point estimates, 1996-2011
Figure 170: Roadblocks to the fight against corruption
Figure 171: The most problematic factors for doing business in RP, 2011-2013
Figure 172: Control of corruption, point estimates 1996-2011
Figure 173: Governance indicators and investments, 1996-2011
Figure 174: Efficiency of legal framework in settling dispute, rank, 2009-2013
Figure 175: Caseload, in Mn, 1990-2011
Figure 176: Pending cases and new cases filed per year, 1990-2011
Figure 177: Caseload per judge, annual average, 2000-2011
Figure 178: Violation of RA 3019 charges filed at Sandiganbayan, total number of complaints per year, 1995-2009
Figure 179: Violation of RA 3019, charges filed at Sandiganbayan, conviction rate,1995-2009
Figure 180: Labor market, key indicators, 1991-2012
Figure 181: New entrants to the labor force, in ‘000, 2001-2011
Figure 182: Unemployment rates, ASEAN-6, 1990-2011
Figure 183: Brain drain rank, ASEAN-6, 2009-2013
Figure 184: Employment by class of worker, 2012
Figure 185: Notices of strikes filed and actual strikes, 1990-2011
Figure 186: Workers involved in strikes and mandays lost, 1990-2011
Figure 187: Labor productivity index, 1980=100, 1980-2011
Figure 188: Pay and productivity rank, 2009-2013
Figure 189: Editorial cartoon showing Congressional failure to pass a long-standing reform bill
Figure 190: Business and economic reforms laws, by Congress, 2001-2010
Figure 191: Number of LEDAC meetings per administration, 1992-present
Figure 192: Editorial cartoon showing need for Congress to address the country’s woes
Figure 193: Top five concerns for doing business, Philippines, 2011-2013
Figure 194: Levels of government where corruption happens, 2012
Figure 195: Percentage of enterprises receiving bribe solicitations for obtaining local permits and licenses, 2000-2012
Figure 196: Philippine Cities Competitiveness Ranking Project, 2009
Figure 197: Macroeconomic environment/rankings, ASEAN-6, 2009-2013
Figure 198: Sovereign ratings, Philippines, notches from investment grade, 1997-2013
Figure 199: Domestic inflation, 1995-2012
Figure 200: Exchange rate, PhP/US$, 1990-2012
Figure 201: National government, actual debt, PhP Bn, 1990-2012
Figure 202: Debt service, PhP Bn, 1990-2012
Figure 203: External debt as percent of GDP, 1990-2012
Figure 204: National government budget deficits, 1990-2012
Figure 205: Consolidated Public Sector Balance 1990-2011
Figure 206: Gross international reserves, US$ Bn, 1990-2012
Figure 207: Gross international reserves, ASEAN-6, 1990-2012
Figure 208: Tax effort as % of GDP, ASEAN-6
Figure 209: National government expenditure items, % of total spending, 1990-2013
Figure 210: Gross domestic saving, % of GDP, 1990-2011
Figure 211: Disaggregation of Philippine savings, 1999-2008
Figure 212: Portfolio investments, US$ Mn, 1990-2013
Figure 213: Extent and effect of taxation, rankings, ASEAN-6, 2009-2013
Figure 214: Corporate income tax rates, selected Asian countries, 2013
Figure 215: Individual tax rates, selected Asian countries, 2013
Figure 216: VAT or sales tax rates, selected Asian countries, 2013
Figure 217: Burden of government regulation, rankings, 2009-2013
Figure 218: Burden of customs procedures rank, ASEAN-6, 2009-2013
Figure 219: Prevalence of trade barriers rank, ASEAN-6, 2009-2013
Figure 220: Political stability/absence of violence and terrorism, percentile ranking,
ASEAN-6, 1996-2011
Figure 221: Business costs of terrorism, rank, 2009-2013
Figure 222: Crimes committed, index+non-index, estimated, 1990-2010
Figure 223: Business costs of crime and violence, rank, ASEAN-6, 2009-2013
Figure 224: Homicide rate per 100,000 population, ASEAN-6+4
Figure 225: When authorities ramp down their guard, kidnapping becomes rampant
Figure 226: Number of reported kidnapping incidents, 1995-2009
Figure 227: Reliability of police services, 2009-2013
Figure 228: Military spending, % of GDP, ASEAN-6, 1990-2011
Figure 229: Philippine government defense spending, % of GDP, 1990-2011
Figure 230: Number of policemen, 1990-2011
Figure 231: Poverty trend, official estimates, Philippines, 1991-2009
Figure 232: Poverty incidence, <US$ 1.25-a-day, ASEAN 6, 1991-2010
Figure 233: Human Development Index, ASEAN-6, 1980-2011
Figure 234: Degree of hunger in households, 1998-2012
Figure 235: Slum population as percent of urban population, 1990-2009
Figure 236: GSIS and SSS coverage, 2011
Figure 237: PhilHealth membership, 1997-2011
Figure 238: Quality of education system, rank, ASEAN-6, 2009-2013
Figure 239: National government spending on education, % of GDP, ASEAN-5, 1995-2011
Figure 240: Elementary enrollment and participation rate, 1990-2011
Figure 241: Secondary enrollment and participation rate, 1990-2011
Figure 242: Drop-out rates, elementary and secondary, 1990-2011
Figure 243: Tertiary enrollment and graduates, 2000-2012
Figure 244: Distribution of college students by field of study, 2011
Figure 245: Quality of math and science education, ASEAN-6, 2009-2013
Figure 246: Self-assessed English competence in RP, 1993-2008
Figure 247: National government health spending, % of GDP, ASEAN-6, 1995-2010
Figure 248: Per capita government expenditure on health, PPP (US$), ASEAN-6, 1995-2010
Figure 249: Number of hospitals in the Philippines, 1985-2009
Figure 250: Malnutrition prevalence, % of children under 5, 2006-2008
Figure 251: Philippine population growth/ projections, in mil, 1903-2100
Figure 252: Population, in millions, ASEAN-6, 1960-2012
Figure 253: Average annual population growth, 1960-2011
Figure 254: Fertility rates (total births per woman), selected Asian countries, 1960-2011
Map 1: High-speed rail connecting NAIA and DMIA
Map 3: RO-RO Network
Map 4: Decongesting the Port of Manila
Map 5: Needed feeder lines from Subic and Batangas
Map 6: Potential sea-air transhipment industry in the Philippines
Table 1: Growth forecasts, East Asia, 2013-2015
Table 2: Growth Rate of 11.6% Needed for the Philippines to Reach High Income Status in 2030
Table 3: 13 Success Stories of Sustained High Growth
Table 4: Gov. Salceda’s Projection of OFW Remittances (% of GDP)
Table 5: Domestic investment ratio, ASEAN-6, % of GDP, 1990-2014
Table 6: Net FDI Bn US$, ASEAN-6, 1990-2014
Table 7: Net FDI, % of GDP, ASEAN-6, 1990-2014
Table 8: Net FDI, ASEAN-6, 2011-2014, Bn US$
Table 9: FDI accumulation, 5-year interval, Bn US$, 1970-2014
Table 10: FDI annual average, 5-year interval, Bn US$
Table 11: FDI accumulation 20-year interval, Bn US$
Table 12: FDI annual average 20-year interval, Bn US$
Table 13: Philippine Net FDI, Top Six Sectors, 2010-2015, Mn US$
Table 14: Private capital flows to emerging regions, Bn $US, 2008-2010 (F)
Table 15: Areas of dissatisfaction, % of respondents, Philippines, 2003-2012
Table 16: Areas of satisfaction, % of respondents, Philippines, 2003-2012
Table 17: Foreign equity ownership index, per industry group, ASEAN-6
Table 18: Ease of business establishment, foreign companies
Table 19: Accessing industrial land measures
Table 20: Commercial disputes arbitration and enforcement of contracts
Table 21: Numerical summary of FGD Seven Big Winner recommendations
Table 22: Agricultural goods exports per hectare, ASEAN-5, Bn US$, 2011
Table 23: ASEAN Free Trade Agreements, population of potential markets
Table 24: IT-BPO subsectors, revenues and employment, 2009
Table 25: Examples of creative and knowledge workers
Table 26: Creative goods exporters, developing economies, 2005
Table 27: Key Infrastructure Indicators, ASEAN-6
Table 28: Major infrastructure projects completed, 2001-2010
Table 29: Major infrastructure projects underway, 2010
Table 30: Major infrastructure projects to implement, 2011-2020
Table 31: Population of Urban Mega-regions, 2010 and 2030(E)
Table 32: Infrastructure funding gap (Bn PhP), 2003-2010
Table 33: Electricity supply and demand indicators, ASEAN-6, 2010
Table 34: Expected new sources of electric power
Table 35: GW power capacity of renewable energy resources, selected East Asian countries,
thousand MW
Table 36: Nuclear plants under construction, selected economies, 2013
Table 37: Road quality and density indicators
Table 38: Targeted expressway and bridge projects, 2011-2020
Table 39: Targeted Intercity and urban light rail projects, 2011-2020
Table 40: World Port Rankings, 2010
Table 41: Cost of Exporting a Container, US$
Table 42: Mobile phone subscriptions, ASEAN-6 + 2, Mn, 1995-2011
Table 43: Access to information and communication technology indicators, selected countries, 2011
Table 44: Networked readiness of selected Asian countries, percentile ranks
Table 45: ASEAN-6, exports of goods and services, % of GDP, 2000-2011
Table 46: Decline in locally manufactured vehicle share of car sales, 1991-2012
Table 47: Workers in the industry sector, selected countries, 1980, 2011
Table 48: International merchandise trade, ASEAN-6, 2009
Table 49: TEU capacity and utilization, ports of Batangas, Manila, and Subic
Table 50: Costs of foreign transhipment of domestic cargo vs. cost of domestic shipping, Manila (MNL) to Cagayan de Oro (CGY), US$
Table 51: Estimated value of Philippine mineral reserves, US$ Bn
Table 52: Domestic air travel, Philippines, millions, growth, 1995-2012
Table 53: Number of foreign patients and revenue generated, US$ Mn
Table 54: Competitiveness rankings, Philippines, 2007-2011
Table 55: Taxes and fees charged airlines and travelers, 2010
Table 56: Number of recommendations in Part 4 of Roadmap 2010
Table 57: Comparative wages, selected countries, US$ per day
Table 58: Paid holidays, Philippines
Table 59: 14th Congress, pending bills to create new holidays
Table 60: Holiday payroll comparison, Philippines, Thailand, Vietnam, 2010
Table 61: Registered Vehicles in the NCR in ‘000, 1990-2009
Table 62: Tax payments, number of hours per year, 2012
Table 63: Ease in paying taxes, overall and per sub-category, rankings, 2009-2012
Table 64: Ease in starting a business for foreign companies, 2012
Table 65: Estimated cost of air and water pollution in the Philippines
Table 66: Legal restrictions on foreign equity for possible amendment
Table 67: Transparency International Corruption Perceptions Index, 2001-2012
Table 68: Commercial disputes arbitration and enforcement of contracts, ASEAN-6 + 4
Table 69: Supreme Court decisions with negative impact on business
Table 70: The pace of legislation, 12 bills in the 14th Congress
Table 71: Business and economic reforms laws, by Congress, 2001-2013
Table 72: Priority bills nearly-enacted, 14th Congress
Table 73: Proposed legislation for the 15th Congress
Table 74: Market-inimical business and economic reforms laws, by Congress, 2001-2010
Table 75: Philippine Cities Competitiveness Ranking Project, 2009
Table 76: Regions contributing largest percentages of GDP, 2011
Table 77: Instances where LGU actions harmed investment climate
Table 78: Sovereign credit ratings, long-term foreign currency bond, ASEAN-6, 2013
Table 79: Tax rates in selected Asian economies, 2013
Table 80: Ease in paying taxes, overall and per sub-category, rankings, 2012, 2013
Table 81: ASEAN Free Trade Agreements, population of potential markets
Table 82: Human rights violation cases filed at the Commission on Human Rights, 1990-2009
Table 83: Profile of the poor in the Philippines, 2006
Table 84: Public expenditure per student as % of GDP per capita, ASEAN-6, 2008-2011
Table 85: Pupil-teacher ratio, selected Asian countries, 1990-2010
Table 86: 20 most populous countries, 2011
Table 87: Population density (per sq. kilometer), ASEAN-6+3, 1960-2011
Table 88: Age-dependency ratios, 1980-2030
Table 89: Reproductive health indicators, selected Asian countries
Table 90: Results of surveys on the public’s opinion regarding family planning
and reproductive health